The Grandson had a proper appointment due to numerous nose bleeds lasting a bit too long for comfort. He had his nose cauterised and now claims it is nowbionic because they use Silver Nitrate to seal the necessary area.
It is my turn on Wednesday am for the faulty knee, will probably discuss the injection I had last time which was agonising and left me unable to walk for over half a day (not good when you are supposed to go to work!) It was a pain free couple of months or so afterwards tho I have to say but for 2 months pain free? although I must also say the pain comes and goes in varying degrees so I don't know.
To the left is the one discussed today but then I wasn't sure if it looked right. It will be slashed and have colours pulled through the slashing so will not look so plain at the end. to the right was the oroginal ide when discussed quite a while ago. to open down the side and again have slashing
this is the third, diagonal sripes one side and straight stripes the other again it will be slashed with colour pulled through (to be decided) the sleeves are still to be discussed whether to keep to the original idea of alter it.
It is an interesting project and is keeping me occupied.
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