Sunday, 29 April 2012

Keeping Busy

I haven't felt much like blogging the last couple of weeks, but they have been busy none the less, knitting sewing and attending hospital twice in the last week ....not for my self but the grandchildren! The Granddaughter sprained her ankle (again) so there we were at A&E. Luckily it was an xray and all ok but you have to check especially when told "I heard it click" and the ankle is a monstous size and very hot and red!
The Grandson had a proper appointment due to numerous nose bleeds lasting a bit too long for comfort. He had his nose cauterised and now claims it is nowbionic because they use Silver Nitrate  to seal the necessary area.
It is my turn on Wednesday am for the faulty knee, will probably discuss the injection I had last time which was agonising and left me unable to walk for over half a day (not good when you are supposed to go to work!)  It was a pain free couple of months or so afterwards tho I have to say but for 2 months pain free? although I must also say the pain comes and goes in varying degrees so I don't know.
I have started (or should I say restarted) a Landsknecht jacket for one of my reenactment friends and have been discussing style and what to do. The back is done and fine (see abvoe), the front has 3 possibilities so he is having to decide.
To the left is the one discussed today but then I wasn't sure if it looked right. It will be slashed and have colours pulled through the slashing so will not look so plain at the end. to the right was the oroginal ide when discussed quite a while ago. to open down the side and again have slashing
this is the third, diagonal sripes one side and straight stripes the other again it will be slashed with colour pulled through (to be decided) the sleeves are still to be discussed whether to keep to the original idea of alter it.
It is an interesting project and is keeping me occupied.

                             Watch This Space

Monday, 16 April 2012

This weekend ws an ok weekend. We had a Craft Fair on Saturday at St Barnabus Church, (we being myself, the Mother and the Crafty Claires) and it went well. We sold a fair few jams,and chutneys and some knitted bits and the Crafty Claires sold some cards and other bits. We got our table money and a bit over and that is fine by us.
On Sunday I did some potting on in the garden, it was a bit chilly but nice to be outside. I potted on tomatoes, cucumbers, and red and yellow peppers, split and planted out some carnations and potted on some carnation cuttings that I had taken from some pretty cut flowers that we had, I cannot remember the colour though so it will be a surprise if and when they bloom. In the evenings on both days I knitted accompanied by the tv and the Mother. it is amazing how the kniiting grows when watching tv. However I really must get some sewing done too.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Every school holiday a friend and I make sure we go out together either for the day or an afternoon. We both lead similar busy lives, we work at a residential special needs school but this year on different living houses so we don't see each other at work much, maybe for 5 mins during the week. We both live with our elderley mothers and we both have children and grandchildren, I have a daughter who is not so well and she has a daughter-in-law who suffered a very serious brain tumour and although is ok now, well who knows what the future holds.
So a couple of days ago it was lovely and sunny so we went to visit Pashley Manor Gardens in Ticehurst
http://pashleymanorgardens This is the front of  the house which has a Tudor Facade.
Front of the house.

There has been a house there since the 1200's but this  is from the 1500's, however as it is a
Rear of the house.
family home it is not open to the public, but the gardens are beautiful and well worth a visit or several.
  The garden lies ammongst some of the rolling countryside on the Kent/Sussex Border and the vistas are
wonderful. There is also a lot of statuary and wood carvings and as you walk throught the different areas you suddenly come across them and I went a bit mad photographing lots of the wooden faces, If you would like to see all the photos I took please feel free to look on my Flickr page.
To the left is one of the first statues we saw (apart from the one coming down the drive and I was so surprised because it is different and so full of life To the right is a sample of the carved faces. this is probably not the best, but I liked it because it reminds me of the old fashioned pictures of the wind blowing. Below is a picture of a black swan which we saw to our great surprise as we walked aound one of the lakes.
Later we saw another and under the foliage at the edge of the lake first one and then another cygnet.I have never see black swans before and we heard the (we assumed) mother calling too.
All in all we had a lovely time pottering in the sunshine and they have a nice cafe where the cakes are huge! It doesn't come any better.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Yesterday was my Mother's Cousin's birthday and today I went to see her with the cards and presents as she was out when we phoned yesterday. The cousin is the youngest of my Mother's cousins being the daughter of my Grandfather's youngest sister, who got married in 1932 and the point of this waffle is that today I was given  the christening gown that was made out of my Great Aunt's wedding dress. My cousin has no children to leave it to and her brothers have never been interested, so as she knows I am a seamstress and that I love historical costume (as does my daughter) she is happy for me to have it and keep it in the family. Any one who wishes to see more pics please feel free to visit
I was also given the stockings she wore for the wedding and a nightdress case made for her by my Great Grandmother but I don't know when it was made so have no idea how old it is. Again there are more pics at the above address. at a later date I will also be given the family bible as she knows another of my interests is family history and I have done a lot of research into my family.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Proud Nanny Moment

I was so proud of the Grandson last night. He belongs to the local Astronomy Club ( ) and is by far the youngest member. At the end of last week he went on a school trip to Space Camp in Belgium and had a wonderful time doing all sorts of things (see also for pics). Last night at the ESAS meeting some of his pics were shown and he stood in front of a hall full of people and said a few words about each picture.Tthe whole thing was filmed and pics taken and he had 2 microphones attached to him one for the sound system and one for the camera. If he was nervous it didn't show and he got a couple of laughs. He sounded so grown up and confident, it was just fantastic. His Mum and I popped in for the talk and we are both so proud of him.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Start of the Easter Hols

It has been a busy weekend. On Saturday I wasn't to good (headachey) in the morning so I stayed bed as I was to go out in the evening. The Grandaughter came to stay with Mum as the Daughter and I were going out together. We had a belated celebration of the Daughter's 35th birthday and 6 of us went from here to the dog racing at Hove. We were joined by one friend from Brighton, but unfortunately others couldn't make it which was quite disappointing. We had a good time non the less and all said we would do it again it was good fun. Got back about midnight and the Daughter (and Grandaughter) stayed over.
On Sunday it was the Daughter's turn to not feel good, she hadn't slept well which is unusual when she is at mine, so she stayed in bed. I did some sewing continuing the medieval kirtle I started a short while ago and it now needs another fitting before I can proceed. I also cut out a petticoat (now know as a skirt) for the Grandaughter and also one for myself for some Napoleonic costume I will be making and also did a bit in the garden. Unfortunately my back is now telling me all about it .
In the evening I relaxed with my knitting and the tv and watched the first part of Silent Witness which I like but don't often watch as it is always in 2 parts and with the shifts I work I often miss bits and so I don't bother. it was all in all a good weekend.