Monday, 16 April 2012

This weekend ws an ok weekend. We had a Craft Fair on Saturday at St Barnabus Church, (we being myself, the Mother and the Crafty Claires) and it went well. We sold a fair few jams,and chutneys and some knitted bits and the Crafty Claires sold some cards and other bits. We got our table money and a bit over and that is fine by us.
On Sunday I did some potting on in the garden, it was a bit chilly but nice to be outside. I potted on tomatoes, cucumbers, and red and yellow peppers, split and planted out some carnations and potted on some carnation cuttings that I had taken from some pretty cut flowers that we had, I cannot remember the colour though so it will be a surprise if and when they bloom. In the evenings on both days I knitted accompanied by the tv and the Mother. it is amazing how the kniiting grows when watching tv. However I really must get some sewing done too.

1 comment:

  1. You and me both on the sewing front, But i did get some done.
