On Saturday it was my birthday so the daughter had arranged to collect me after work Friday evening to go to no 48 http://www.facebook.com/No48Bexhill as my birthday treat.
But before I finished work I had a text from the Mum to say the dishwasher was leaking!
It is insured so not a problem really but I had to ring a good frined who is a plumber to go reound and turn the water supply the the machine off as the Mum couldn't. He kindly syphioned the water away so will ring on Monday to have it looked at.
The evening at 48 was really good we went to one of their music and meal nights, "The Exiles" were playing and we go to see them whenever we can. this time they were doing more Blues type stuff but they do allsorts.We were a group of 4, the Daughter and 2 friends and we all had a good time.
On Saturday we began the year at St Barnabus Church Second Saturday Craft Fairs and did reasonably well which was good. It was quite cold though! we didn't see a couple of our regulars so I hope they are ok and not suffering from any dready lurgy of any sort. I had tried a new line of flap ear hats, I made a really thick one which sold (see pic which actually looked better int the flesah so to speak) and some thinner ones which I lined with fleece which also look better in the flesh!
After the fair the Daughter and I had originally planned to go to a friends in Brighton, but it was cold and rainy and the forecastwas for even colder so we decided not to risk the weather so she and our friend of the dogs came round to ours and we all had chinese and watched the Phantom of the Opera 25th annivesary video and a good time was had by all.
both evenings were wonderful