Thursday, 31 May 2012

 Well this was a lovely surprise I have been given a beautiful blogger award not ONCE but TWICE!!!!  firstly my lovely daughter and then a special friend of ours (and my honorary no 2 daughter) I was knocked out by it all.
This was the first I had heard of this award and now need to fulfil the criteria and say 7 things about myself that I haven't already said.
  1.  I have said I have a daughter and mentioned her many times, but to me she is not only my daughter but my closest friend and I know we have been through many lives together in various forms and guises. She has been with me through many ups and downs in this present life and I really do not know how I would cope without her.
  2.  I love music and to sing although I don't sing as much as I used to. At one time I sang all the time. Luckily I sing tolerably well and having perfect pitch I sing in tune but am not good at singing on my own in public as I forget the words!
  3. When I was little my Mum always maintained that I was not shy because I chattered all the time to all and sundry, however as I got older it became a good cover up and when I meet someone new I tend to burble lots. I have absolutely no idea of what I am saying but it is my defence system.
  4. What you see is what you get and I try to have no pretence, however it seems that often I come across as more efficient and confident than I really am but I am not sure why, so maybe I do pretend without realising it.
  5. I trained for 2 years to be an Occupational Therapist (it was a 3 year course) but was unable to passs my anatomy exam and after 2 attempts gave up.
  6. I hope that as I go through this life I can be of help to those I meet along the way.
  7. I really do talk a lot of rubbish

so now my nominations
  1. This is of course the daughter as you will know and I chose her for the above reasons and also because she struggles daily with health issues and is brave about it all and is trying so hard to conquer the emotional issues that have arisne from it all. she is an inspiration to us all
  2. This is the other one, she is also an inspiration as she struggles to fight an illness she has had from child hood as you will see if you read her blog. it is a huge undertaking and can only be won a little step at a time (well to us but to her horrendously huge) I admire her guts tremendously
  3. A fantastic blog (and friend) about Antique fabrics and other things worthy of any award.
  4. I do not personally know this lady but I love her writing and the way she deals with what life throws at her, and the way she never gives up.
  5. another friend but this time a young friend (young enough to be my grandaughter). I like her style of writing and she is a lovedly young lady.
  6. Again the stylke of writing and the subjects are interesting, I logged onto this through another friend and just like to read it.
  7. to be added as I am not following anyone else at the moment.
                                                      This is what to do now:

Put down seven facts about yourself,

You link to the blog of the person who nominated you,

You link to seven bloggers who you think deserve the award,

You let those bloggers know they have been nominated.

 Simple as that. I look forward to reading your facts xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I challenge you to complete my 30th Birthday Facts Challenge! See my blog for more information and to join in the celebrations for my birthday! XX
