Saturday, 3 March 2012

I have had a lovely time this weekend so far. Took a trip to Brighton  last night with the Daughter. We visited friends for a Knit and natter (or should that be Knatter?) at the Knit, Sew and Crochet group, home rather late, although the lateness was compounded by roadworks which necessitated us waiting at a red light to be escorted past what turned out to be a resurfacing operation! It was again a fun evening with some interesting 19th C material shown by .   and nibbles and cakes from Sharon and Claire, (thanking you both very much) and some very interesting conversation, including a lot on napoleonic costume. I continued with my "sock from the toe up" and helped the daughter start a circular cardigan.
Today the shop called so  had to go to a local supermarket and also the lovcal DIY store this am to buy a paste table for the craft fair next weekend. We managed to get a fairly sturdy plastic one which will do very well. 
In the afternoon I made some marmalade and also patched a pair of medieval hose (for a friend) which suffered during the last reenactment season. I think I made a good job of it even if I say so myself! I also washed some material ready to cut out  some napoleonic costume. We will now see what tomorrow brings.


  1. More Sewing? Jams? Lending me big size circular needles for a new scarf i want to make!!!
